Former Medical Student Fellow Eden Engel-Rebitzer led a secondary analysis of data from the Life STORRIED study to understand the role of patient preference in racial disparities in opioid prescribing. This large, multi-site RCT tested strategies to communicate the risks of opioids to patients in the ED seeking treatment for acute pain. The study team found that Black patients were less likely than White patients to receive a prescription for opioids, regardless of their actual preference for pain treatment. This disparity persisted despite the prescribing providers being provided with information about the patients' preferences and personal risks regarding opioid use. Read more here.
The study team was made up of many CECPR researchers including Dr. Zack Meisel, Dr. Shoshi Aronowitz, Dr. Jeanmarie Perrone, Dr. Fran Shofer, Abby Dolan, and another former Medical Student Fellow Dr. Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako.